When specifying lighting, it's important to consider the standard cable or stem length that suspends the fixture from the ceiling. Below please find a glossary of key terms to remember, as well as a comprehensive list of cable and stem options for all RBW suspension fixtures.

Suspension Glossary
Hang Length - The distance between Ceiling & Top of Product.
- Rule of Thumb: Hang Length = Cable Length less 6"
- ie. Cable Length of 72" has a Hang Length of 66" and Cable Length of 150" has a Hang Length of 144"
Drop Length - The distance between Ceiling & Bottom of Product.
Clearance - The distance between the Bottom of Product & the Floor.
- Sometimes referred to as Fixture Height or Fixture Height A.F.F.
Cable Length - The length of the cable, before it is trimmed or installed.
- The Hang Length is the Cable Length less any amount inside the canopy, the product, or any amount of cable that has been trimmed. Our standard cable length is 72" but we should generally assume 6" might be consume in hanging, resulting in a 66" for a Hang Length.
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