Built with your experience as the central focus, we designed a website to better support your process. With an Trade account, users are able to request fixtures for quotation seamlessly via our Project Quote tool.
To successfully request a quote on the RBW website, follow the steps below:

Log in or create a Trade account on
Access your account by clicking the User Icon (👤) in the upper right-hand corner of the website.
To apply for a Trade Account, follow the steps outlined in this guide.
Add fixtures to a project quote
Specify the various components of the fixture and quantity via the fixture’s product page, and click “Add to Project Quote.” Select which project to add the fixture to, either an existing project or you can create a new project. Repeat the steps for all fixtures you’d like included on the project quote.
If you have not submitted documents to be verified as Trade, or have not yet received confirmation of your Trade status, you'll see "Add to Project" button instead. You'll still be able to add configured products to your projects, but you won't be able to send a request for quote until you are verified as Trade.

Add in Project Details
To finalize your project and request for quote, visit the “Projects” section. Complete the required fields and click “Save Details."
For electrical distributors, purchasing agents, rep agents, and dealers, please remember to fill in the specifier info so that we can provide you with a quote promptly.
Note: If you wish to add fixture type and special instructions, you can click the "+" on each product and open the input field.

Click “Request Quote”
Once you’ve confirmed the project info and specified fixtures and quantities on the project are accurate, click "Request Quote" button located on the bottom or top of the page. Once complete, a timestamp will appear with the exact time the quote was requested.
If all you need is merely an outline of all the fixtures you want in a project, you can use the "Print Project" by hitting the black-outlined white button.
Sit back and relax!
Our Customer team will review your quote request and issue an estimate/follow up with any questions via email within 1-2 business days.
While you wait, need help gathering other fixture details or a tearsheet?